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Dry Riverbed #3

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'Dry Riverbed' - Crafted with intricate carving and exquisite glazing, this ceramic vase captures the essence of a riverbed during periods of low water flow.

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brand : SeanMiller.Art

"Dry Riverbed" series presents a captivating fusion of artistry and nature-inspired design, embodied in meticulously crafted ceramic vases. Each piece within this series is meticulously carved and glazed to evoke the serene beauty of a riverbed during its ebb.

Intricate details mimic the textured contours of river rocks and the sinuous flow of water, creating a visual narrative that transports observers to the tranquil banks of a meandering stream. The glazing technique employed infuses each vase with a spectrum of moss-covered stones, further enhancing its organic allure.

These vases serve not only as vessels for floral arrangements but also as standalone works of art, infusing any space with a sense of natural harmony and tranquility. Whether displayed as a singular statement piece or as part of a curated collection, the "Dry Riverbed" series invites contemplation and appreciation of the river systems in our back country.

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